There Are Answers

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There Is A Solution

We alcoholics / addicts are men and women who have lost the ability to control our drinking and using. We know that no real alcoholic or addict ever recovers control. All of us felt at times that we were regaining control, but such intervals usually brief were inevitably followed by still less control, which led in time to pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization. We are convinced to a man that alcoholics and addicts of our type are in the grip of a progressive illness. Over any considerable period we get worse, never better.

We are like men who have lost their legs; they never grow new ones. Neither does there appear to be any kind of treatment which will make alcoholics or addicts of our kind like other men. We have tried every imaginable remedy. In some instances there has been brief recovery, followed always by a still worse relapse. Physicians who are familiar with alcoholism and addiction agree there is no such thing as making a normal drinker or user out of an alcoholic or an addict.

Do You Think You Can Be Sucessfull In Drink & Drug ?

Most of us have been unwilling to admit we were real alcoholics or addicts. No person likes to think he is bodily and mentally different from his fellows. Therefore, it is not surprising that our drinking and using careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we could drink or use like other people. The idea that somehow, someday we will control and enjoy our drinking and or using is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker and addict. The persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of insanity or death.

Look At You

Too often i recognize and become aware of my defects, especially after they get
me into trouble yet again, and I think ok, lesson learned, I'm not doing
that one again.

And I leave it there. Guess many of you know the rest - lol

Yup, same shit, different day. I fail to realize that I haven't got the
power to remove my defects.
Same as I haven't the power to remove the
obsession to use.

I'm getting better at it, slowly, and turning more and more over GOD to humbly ask it to remove my defects. The ones that continue to block
me off from His power - which is a dangerous place for this addict.

Saying that, I know today that it's not the removal of the defects that will
keep me clean. It's the seeking of God's power that does that for me. And
there ain't much seeking being done if I'm clinging to my defects of
character. They gotta go!


Not Everyone Winds Up Like This

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Apply The Solution...Right Now

   Recoveries Anonymous

Recoveries Anonymous; the Solution Focused Twelve Step Fellowship.

Step Into A New Spirituality

Do first always what serves the Self

Yet get very clear about what that IS

     What IS it that "serves the Self?" What is the Self trying to do? What is its purpose? What is its function? Why has the Self come to the earth? Why has it taken a physical body? What is it "up to?"
     Unless these questions are answered, the statement "look first to the Self" will forever be misunderstood, and will produce misguided results.
     So we ask today, Who is the Self? What is the Self trying to do? Why did you, yourSelf, physicalize? Are you doing what you came here to do?
     And what does what you came here to do have to do with others? Anything? Anything at all? The surprising answer to that question will turn your whole life around.
     Who is the Self? The Self is an Individuation of the Divine. It is a Singularization of The Singularity. It is God, made manifest as a human being.
     What is the Self trying to do? The Self is choosing to experience Itself as Who It Really Is, and then to recreate that anew, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever it held about that.
     Why did you, yourSelf, physicalize? You brought yourself into the Realm of the Physical because the opportunity to experience the Self exists only in relative terms, and the Realm of the Physical is that place in the Kingdom of God where relativity exists. Thus, the Realm of the Physical is also called the Realm of the Relative (while the Realm of the Spiritual is also termed the Realm of the Absolute). Here we have divided up the Space/Time Continuum (which could be described as "All That Is" and "EverMoment") into their constituent parts. Thus, we have Light and Dark, Before and After, Fast and Slow, Now and Then, Big and Small, Past and Future, Female and Male, Good and Evil, etc. As a result of this Division of the Whole, we have created an environment in which we can experience Who We Are in relative terms, and then recreate that anew in its next highest version.
     Are you doing what you came here to do? Only you can answer that. My observation tells me that most people are not. If they were, the world would not be presenting itself the way it is, and human beings would not be unhappy.
     And what does what you came here to do have to do with others? It is through the giving of ourselves to others, and to the world at large, that we come to fully experience Who We Really Are. That is because Who We Are is in want of nothing, needs nothing, and demands nothing of Life, but only uses Life as a means of expressing its magnificence, and its total completion. The way the Self does this is to demonstrate and express its Total Completion in every moment of Life, through Life Itself.
     Conversations with God says that Life informs Life about Life through the process of Life Itself. The best and fastest way for the Self to demonstrate and express its Total Completion is to assist others in demonstrating and expressing their Total Completion --- for what you give to another, you experience within your Self. This is because you cannot give what you do not have. You cannot provide to another that which you do not possess. Yet it is in the giving of it that you experience the having of it, and it is in the providing of it that you experience the possessing of it.
     Thus, serving the Self first always looks like serving the Other first. Yet in the Enlightened One this is never experienced as self-effacing or self-sacrificing, but rather (and only) as Self Realization.
     One of the most extraordinary examples of this was given to us in the life of Jesus Christ. Yet his glorious demonstration has been misunderstood by millions, who say that Christ sacrificed himself for us. This is not what Jesus was doing. Jesus Self-Realized, that he might know and experience who he really was, and that, through his example, we might do so as well.

Thank you Neale.

I have always tried to wrap my mind over the two truths, namely:

1. Your life is not about you, but about those whose lives you touch.
2. Do first always what serves the Self.

I've tried to reconcile the two statements in my understanding.

Many times I've tried to explain it away as a divine dichotomy, but I always knew there was a deeper truth, deeper understanding behind those truths.